Sunday, July 20, 2014

Kamala Sharma

Kamala Sharma, 24 years old, Indian
Height: 170cm, Weight: 69kg/152 lbs, Body figure: normal
Traits: Nurturing, Family-Oriented, Neat, Hot-headed, Never nude
Favourite music: Classic

Kamala's, who used to live in a huge family, footsteps are taking her to New York after the guy, Rohit Malik, who's to be her future husband. Even though she's a bit quick tempered at times when she's having Rohit's company, she's still longing after the man's protecting touch. Because there hasn't been seen any romance flames between these two, is Kamala enriching her love life by reading books. This woman has good manners and is friendly, but there'll be no tolerance to all walks of life though... With handy hands and willpower she's keeping her both household and private things tidy and organised. She has a contrabass with which she's been practising her musical talent since the childhood.
- Meant to marry Rohit Malik.
- Best friends with Joana Rodriguez.
- Studying health sector in her 6th year.

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